News What is a hotel phone faceplate?
What is a hotel phone faceplate?
Date of publication: 21.01.2019
Category: Hospitality and hotel news
What is a hotel phone faceplate?
Faceplate is the plastic cover that fits front panel of the phone. It may look like common feature of all hospitality phones, but don't underestimate their usefulness.
Faceplate allows you to place a large number of important information
- Hotel logo
- Hotel contact details
- Long-distance & room-to-room call instruction.
- Room number
- ect.
The hotel phone has up to 10 buttons that could be programmed as service buttons:
- Hotel service speed buttons (reception, room services, restaurant, housekeeper, alarm settings etc.)
- Emergency button call
Use the single tap to deal with appropriate service.
We will help you with designing and printing telephone faceplates for any model of Bittel and Jacob Jensen Hospitality Phones.