News VDA’s Climate Control
VDA’s Climate Control
Hotel In-Room Technology plays a fundamental role in pursuing responsible choices for energy saving and the protection of the environment, whilst at the same time guaranteeing the best hotel guest experience.
With rising awareness of environmental changes and ever growing eco-tourism, the challenge for hotel technology to approach new directions for energy savings, optimising management costs whilst improving profitability is becoming even more necessary and is seen as an integral part of any project development.
With its 3,000 hotels, and 250,000 Smart Rooms, VDA Group moves easily within this evolving context providing guests a truly unique experience, being fully aware of environmental issues and energy consumption, managing a mix of clientele in terms of age group, differing cultural backgrounds, and varying recreational and leisure needs.
Как мы это делаем
VDA Room Management Systems are conceived in order to micro-manage energy consumption, and related features, from a central control system, minimising infrastructure costs, maximising energy savings, comfort, and security.
The room climate and its environment settings are precisely controlled within hotel defined energy consumption models, which can easily be modified on a global or individual room basis, as and when required. This provides the property with complete ability to keep the room temperatures at optimal levels.
Guests can operate a limited temperature adjustment from the in-room control panels and once the guest customizes the Comfort temperature level, each and every time he or she returns to the room, this custom level is automatically re-established, whilst during the guest is absent from the room, the temperature level is automatically set to an “energy saving” level, as decided by the hotel.
Besides the reliability and functionality of our room management system, one of the undisputed values of our system is its high-level personalisation, with exclusive design solutions that combine forms and functions in a highly original way. The technological solutions offered by the VDA’s Room management systems include a range of beautifully designed smart devices from the Vitrum, Axia, Duetto, and Classic collections.